Google Is Obsessed with Website Speed and Why You Should Be Too

Website speed is so important that Google has admitted that they are “obsessed” with website speed. We figured that if Google is “obsessed” with website speed then we need to be obsessed as well. Why are they obsessed with website speed? Because website speed converts! Customers want a great customer experience and don’t want to wait around for a web page to load.

Take a look at these major studies undertaken by internet powerhouses on how page load speed impacts customer conversion rates, engagement, and ultimately drives more revenue:

  1.’s tests showed that for every increase of 100ms in page load time sales decreased by 1%.
  2. The average shopper expects a page load time of two seconds or less, and after three seconds up to 40% will abandon your website according to this whitepaper from Gomez detailailing numerous website performance statistics.
  3. 79% of shoppers who are dissatisfied with a website’s performance are less likely to buy from that website again, and 52% of online shoppers say that a fast browsing experience is important to site loyalty, according to this useful info-graphic from KissMetrics.
  4. From the same info-graphic, a 1 second delay in page load can result in a 7% decrease in conversions.  This means if your online store makes $100,000 per day, a 1 second page delay could result in $2.5 million in lost sales per year.

And those are just a few of the numerous studies which have been undertaken to understand the financial impact of page load time.

So how can you get your website to load as fast as ours here at The fastest and easiest way is to hire us. You can also use some of these tools to measure your webpage speed and then make improvements on it. – The “Gold Standard” of webpage speed testing, this took scores webpages with a “report card” style ranking system.

Google Website Analyzer – Offers useful tips and techniques for improving your website’s performance.  Also offers in-depth support for implementing many of their suggestions.

Pingdom Speed Test – Offers a detailed waterfall page-load view of your website and compares it based on percentile to the rest of the web.

Even if your website is image and resource intensive, like SpeechRep Media, we can optimize everything so the site loads extremely fast.

Give us a call if you want help with improving your website page speed at 941-477-3727 or click on the button below.